Our story

We're Altai, a bespoke casting platform dedicated to equipping creatives with premium tools and support so you can deliver uniquely influential work to the world.

Founded in 2022, Altai was born out of a genuine need echoed by our industry as new technologies and client expectations are rapidly shifting, along with the rise of more authentic and inclusive storytelling across our screens and stages.

To thrive in this ever changing environment, our industry deserves a fresh solution which streamlines the required technology into one, intuitive and collaborative platform.

Since launching, we strive to be at the forefront of our category - so we wanted to tell you a little bit about Altai and how we like to set ourselves apart.


We believe creatives should have access to a free and viable platform in order to deliver their best work.
Never compromising on video quality, storage restrictions or needing to pay for an audition.

We work with our industry in a responsible and respectful way.
With over twenty years of collective industry experience, we understand the vital role of artists, agents and casting offices within our ecosystem. Weensure IP is protected and that we continually consult with industry as we evolve Altai.

We are driven by design and quality.
Providing a beautiful and intuitive experience is paramount in the production of our platform. Existing and new features are created with longevity in mind, as we aim to inspire through meaningful design.

We understand our responsibility in providing a secure and safe platform.
Altai implements robust and comprehensive measures to secure customer data. The Altai platform’s customer data is hosted entirely within Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure, employing industry leading end-to-end encryption (AES 256-bit cipher) for data in transit and at rest (including data backups). Azure’s logical isolation ensures that each customer’s data remains segregated from others on the same physical hardware, network controls are in place to ensure databases are not publicly accessible.

We are a platform for those who care about people, the planet, and their impact on both.
It’s our belief that businesses do not operate in a bubble and that we have a responsibility to nurture the communities and environment around us.